Daily Archives: April 16, 2015

Reminder Regarding Repeal Of Death Penalty

Published Post author

A reminder from Nebraska Leaders List … If you haven’t called the senators listed below, now is the time to voice your opinion!


I apologize in advance for this one but it has to be said to illustrate the insanity of the debate in Lincoln. What do the following examples have in common?:
A small child is murdered and pieces of his body fed to dogs.
Another child is placed in a microwave, which is then turned on.
In a ritual killing a man’s fingers are systematically severed and his arms and legs broken, after which he is skinned alive and finally dies of wounds suffered from being impaled with a broomstick.

Heard enough? Not yet. Each of the 3 who did the above sits on death row and will be spared the death penalty if it is overturned tomorrow. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? What makes no sense is how a group of senators can be so enthralled by saving the state money or “compassion” that they look at cases like these and demand their lives to be preserved. To what end?

The arguments are frustrating:
The most pathetic is “cost”. When cost becomes a barrier to doing the right thing you have a serious ethical problem. And to be so intellectually lazy that they abolish the penalty rather than fix the problems is the symptom of politicians who will not represent.
With all due respect to our Catholic allies, the argument of “natural birth to natural death” is a doctrine you will not find supported by the Bible. If you read the entirety of what the Bible has to say, you will find that one of the very first commands God gave to man’s government was to deal with evildoers, with express authority to take life when justified.
The arguments of the death penalty being racist, inhumane, revenge-oriented, etc., won’t stand the scrutiny of facts.
And how about all the senators opposing the death penalty answering the question we asked yesterday: How can a society that has mercilessly killed over 60 million babies pretend, without the slightest twinge of conscience, that it is wrong to kill a fractional percentage of the worst criminals who have been through due process, with every legal defense and appeal possible? If the senators who vote to remove the death penalty say they also oppose abortion, I submit that they are frauds.
The sad truth is that support for repeal is gaining traction. If you don’t stand up LOUDLY & FIRMLY, another plague of collegiality is going to strike. Yesterday’s vote took away most of the “repeat offender” options judges see as a key tool to punish chronic offenders. The message then – and which will be amplified if we repeal the death penalty – is that your senators believe you can live with more crime. Accountability for doing wrong is slowly and steadily being gutted.

The only 3 senators who appear to be actively fighting this are Kintner, Schnoor and possibly McCoy, though McCoy showed signs of weakening today.

Nebraska, you will get what you demand.

Call, ask, challenge, demand an explanation of the senators below and why they are considering opposing the will of Nebraska. Don’t settle for weak-kneed excuses.

Be polite but don’t be afraid to be blunt. They’re not listening.

It’s Time They Did … Call NOW!

Lindstrom, Brett
blindstrom@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2618
Kolterman, Mark
mkolterman@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2756
Bloomfield, DaveM/strong>
dbloomfield@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2716
Craighead, Joni
jcraighead@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2714
Hughes, Dan
dhughes@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2805
Friesen, Curt
cfriesen@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2630
Seiler, Les
lseiler@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2712
Williams, Matt
mwilliams@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2642
Stinner, John
jstinner@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2802
Riepe, Merv
mriepe@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2623
Hilkemann, Bob
rhilkemann@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2621
Kuehn, John
jkuehn@leg.ne.gov (402) 471-2732



April 16, 2015

April 15 – Patriotic Quote

Published Post author

Founders Daily Quote

Today’s Quote from the Patriot Post

“Would it not be better to simplify the system of taxation rather than to spread it over such a variety of subjects and pass through so many new hands.” —Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, 1784


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April 16, 2015