Daily Archives: May 13, 2015

May 13 – Patriotic Quote

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Founders Daily Quote

Today’s Quote from the Patriot Post

“When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen; and we shall most sincerely rejoice with you in the happy hour when the establishment of American Liberty, upon the most firm and solid foundations shall enable us to return to our Private Stations in the bosom of a free, peacefully and happy Country.” —George Washington (1775)


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May 13, 2015

Death Penalty Push

Published Post author


The second vote on the death penalty will likely happen today (Wednesday). That should be followed by the third and final round on Friday or Monday. We’re close to stopping Ernie and Soros. And there’s a reason to focus your pressure to keep the death penalty – several actually.

Besides those we’ve stated a number of times, it comes down to your influence on the Unicameral. Appearances often to the contrary, the People still have clout when you speak systematically.

That means:

1. Talk to the right Senators – Every senator is important but the target senators listed may be the ones who decide the outcome.
2. Politely expect (demand) that they support the death penalty.
3. Call AND email – Offices do not match calls and emails. For their purposes, they are 2 votes, not one.
4. Have your spouse call and email – same logic. That makes 4 votes from one household.

Why keep pushing?

Word inside the Capitol is that conservatives are angry – and senators do get voted out of office by angry constituents. Send the message. Let them know – politely – that you are angry.
Lobbying is still effective – though you will get no encouragement from the media or outside sources.
This list is relatively small but in the past you have leveraged it into a major voice by passing messages on to your contacts. Keep Passing It On.
And don’t forget the big picture; when senators feel the heat on a conservative issue, they get the message to be cautious on the next conservative issue. CALLS & EMAILS ARE NOT JUST A ONE-TIME EFFORT. THEY BUILD ON EACH OTHER, OVER TIME!

The simple summary is “If You Want A Voice, Better Use Your Voice – ‘cuz It Still Works.”

Call your own senator, especially if he supports the death penalty. Then call and email these:

Bloomfield Dave
(402) 471-2716

Garrett Tommy
(402) 471-2627

Hilkemann, Bob
(402) 471-2621

Johnson Jerry
(402) 471-2719

Kolterman Mark
(402) 471-2756

Lindstrom Brett
(402) 471-2618

Murante John
(402) 471-2725

Schilz, Ken
(402) 471-2616

Seiler Les
(402) 471-2712



May 13, 2015