Monthly Archives: September 2014

Texas Sheriff – Reports of ISIS Terrorist Cells Crossing Southern Border Read

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One Texas Sheriff is being proactive and sounding the alarm that ISIS may very well be here already.

Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter said that he has been working along the border for almost a decade and that recently they’d been receiving reports to be on the lookout for terrorists being smuggled into the country.

Specifically, he warned that the southern border is wide open and that authorities have been finding “Islamic” items all along the length of the border.

Read More Here



September 17, 2014

Back On The Border – Special Thanks

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We just received the following message from our Prairie Guard group down in Texas …

Prairie Guard is currently back on the border helping to secure our country. A special thanks to the generous support and assistance from:

Mommabear OK, KB, PV, Vinnie and Otter



September 15, 2014

A Note From Our Host, Lory Storm …

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A great psych article from someone I respect. I left out the medical jargon and captured this bit to share with our readers …
– Lory.

Independence comes from self-leadership. As long as you are reliant on the system or its participating oligarchs to decide your future for you, you will never be anything more than a follower, even if the system has given you a “place at the table” and a title to make you feel special.

If you see a problem in the world, stop asking permission to fix it! Stop waiting for the establishment to police itself. Stop concerning yourself with the actions of others and take your own actions, however small they might be. Revolutions are sparked in the minds of individuals and implemented by the hands of the courageous few. There will be no mass awakening and there will be no grand march to glory, so stop holding your breath. If there is an unrelenting evil in the world, then you must fight it if you expect anything to change. If you are the only person who recognizes it, then you may have to fight it alone.

If you are going to lead others, lead by example. Show people how to achieve something more by building something of your own. There are far too many Americans who seek to falsely elevate themselves by attacking the solutions and achievements of others from the anonymous comfort of their computers, rather than doing anything constructive on their own merit. There was a time when Americans were respected as people of action, rather than talk. When you do talk, do so from a position of strength. Talk as someone who has actually done something worth talking about.

Make a list of your dependencies. Do you have the skills to survive without a job? Without money? Without utilities? Without consistent aid from others? Can you live without modern comforts if you had to? Do you have the fortitude to endure great hardship? Have you ever endured great hardship, or have you avoided it your whole life? The more self-sufficient you are, the less you will need to look to the system or other people to make your decisions for you. You will become fearless, and fearless people cannot be ruled.

“I believe independence terrifies some people because it requires a human being to challenge the unknown and take responsibility for the consequences if he fails. Followers trade in their mental and spiritual freedom to governments, oligarchs and gatekeepers so that they never have to face these difficulties. Sometimes, they are simply lazy. Sometimes, they lack confidence in their own abilities. Sometimes, they are just cowards. In any case, the result is the same: a life of relative ease riding the tides in a vast school of self-serving minnows but always prey to the ever circling sharks. I say don’t be a minnow; be a man.”

–Brandon Smith



September 2, 2014

One Life, One Flag, One Mile

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One Life, One Flag, One Mile: A Summary of Project America Run II

Mike Ehredt has a special way of honoring our fallen soldiers, who have given their lives so that we my live and enjoy our Blessings of Liberty. We can honor Mike by spreading this video using the Facebook & Twitter Share buttons on this page as he carries his message One Life, One Flag, One Mile at a time … you sir, are a true Patriot!



September 1, 2014