Daily Archives: February 17, 2016

An Important Update From Lory Storm

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Ok everyone I am going to, hopefully, lay the issue of the Bundy cattle being stolen by the Federal Government to rest once and for all. In whatever way this was my fault, I take full responsibility for it and for it getting out of hand. That said, anyone who doesn’t think it will eventually happen isn’t paying attention.

But I’d like to address what I think is the most important lesson that we can learn from this incident. One of the reasons it is so hard for the Patriot Community to function together, to trust each other and to make advances in our attempt to return this country to a Constitutional government was illustrated here in full color. Rather than someone simply stating or inquiring as to whether or not this allegation had been verified many of you went on the full frontal attack. This wasn’t a call to action and no one was asked to respond, this was something that many in this movement simply thought needed to get out. The federal government gets away with far too much because the mainstream media refuses to hold them to even the most minuscule standards of conduct. Many in our movement simply want to get the word out as far and wide as possible so that people can make informed decisions.

That said, the fact that we do and will question what we read and hear is definitely one of our strong points. We don’t take what any media source tells us as gospel. We question, we learn and we try to make responsible decisions based on what we know. Those of us who actually care about both the movement and the people involved, including several families that have recently been completely torn apart, don’t care that we’re the first or the biggest. We just want as many people as possible to hear what we have to say and to challenge everything they hear. But some of you, unfortunately, just want to crawl to the top of some alternative media heap and declare yourselves the biggest and the best. That attitude is absolute garbage. Attacking your own in order to elevate yourself is not what this movement is about.

Call of Duty Goddess is one example of someone who is just trying to get the word out. She relied on MY own website and published information she believed would be important to the cause. Instead of people firmly but politely questioning said report, they went on the full out attack. It needs to stop. We simply must learn to pull together, help each other spread not only the word, but the actual facts. When one of us gets something wrong, showing them their error can be done firmly but politely without all the chest thumping and bravado. We can weed those people out of our movement if we’re willing to understand what’s happening and stand up to it. No one will be the ONLY one with the information. For the information that is important to our movement to move with the speed and coverage necessary for us to continue to fight this battle we need everyone, period. If you think you need to be the ONLY one, get out, you’re doing more harm than good.

That said, I will once again, take full responsibility for this even though I cannot tell you with any certainty how it got out of hand. All I know is that the fighting and attacks on our own people needs to stop if we’re gong to be able to help these families get through this attack by the government and if we’re to ever make any progress in our goal.


Lory Storm

February 17, 2016