Jan. 7, 2016 – Patriotic Quote

Founders Daily Quote

Today’s Quote from the Patriot Post

“I suppose, indeed, that in public life, a man whose political principles have any decided character and who has energy enough to give them effect must always expect to encounter political hostility from those of adverse principles.” —Thomas Jefferson, 1808


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January 7, 2016

One thought on “
Jan. 7, 2016 – Patriotic Quote

  1. Judy Kruse

    Greetings Fellow Patriots. As prayer warrior for this group I have a few points I would like to bring up.
    First, for those of us who are Christ followers, we are experiencing a lot of righteous anger. We have to pray for wisdom, discernment and guidance from our Lord to not let that anger stray into unbridled anger and lead us astray.
    Second, we need to pray, as commanded, for our enemies and those who persecute us. Unless we can do this, our efforts will be thwarted.
    Our Lord knows what we are facing and what our needs are before we ask. We need to be in touch with Him and receptive to His leading each and every minute.
    Yes, we need to take a stand for what is right and just. But remember that all throughout history, there has only been a remnant of any group that has prevailed and that through the power of the Lord.
    Remember also, that those who obey orders to persecute and plunder will receive their due. Many times their followers are dealt with by the very leaders issuing ungodly orders. You see, when these puppets willingly deceive and carry out unlawful and ungodly orders, they are not even trusted by their masters.
    Rember also that earth is not our home. We are only here for a short while and our desire should be to dwell in the house of our Lord for eternity.
    So in saying this, I pray we can all move forward with God at the helm, praying for direction, and knowing we are justified in pushing back against the ever increasing evil.
    Pray for the Hammonds as they serve their sentence and that God will be with them and sustain them. And if it would be His will, that they would be released soon. I believe that praying for our enemies could hasten this. God doesn’t need us to accomplish anything, but if we obey Him, amazing things can happen!
    Pray my friends, that all our hearts will be softened, for God won’t work with a hardened heart. He will give us over to our sinfullness.
    Blessings, in the name of my Lord. Ask and you shall receive!
    Judy Kruse


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