Remember The McPherson Firestorm?

The following mailing came from the Nebraska Leaders List and I thought I should share it with you all …


Remember the McPherson Firestorm? Started by a private post, on a private blog, made by someone else, that used a factual term – “half-breed”? Followed by weeks of accusations and outcry, over an accurate comment, the source unverified and virtual hell for a man most describe as trying to do the right thing in his political service?

2 months later – Ernie Chambers, with his long history of divisive race-baiting and public disrespect for anyone who disagrees with him, makes a blatantly racist comment supporting a national agenda. That agenda promotes hatred of the police, encourages attacks against them, targets and assassinates officers. He then puts law enforcement officers below the sub-humans who pose for photos with the heads of children in their hands, standing over their bodies. Finally he announced he would shoot a police officer unprovoked.

Now compare the reactions: The SBOE, teachers’ union, World Herald, LJS, etc. and even Ricketts, Sasse and Fischer (as a political favor to someone) howled for weeks, demanding Pat McPherson’s resignation. The pressure was unrelenting and the left was lock-stepped in attack mode.

But Chambers? The “champions of justice” are silent or offering excuses. Compare Gov Ricketts’ comments on this one to McPherson. And Sasse and Fischer are all of a sudden too busy to notice. Can any rational person look at the 2 incidents, excuse one as free speech or “just being Ernie” and then try to say they believe in equality before the law (our state motto, by the way)?

Here’s Your Liberal Lesson For Today:

The difference is simple: the left has an agenda and a purpose. Their ideas are wildly unpopular (about 30% support for most). So they have to stay tight, united and back each other, even when they disagree. They also understand that when one of their own is diminished, even slightly, they all suffer. So they fiercely defend their own in public. They will tear and destroy to protect their own and their agenda. And it’s working quite well.

To see why we struggle for even small gains, look at the Unicameral yesterday. Two good men stood up to address a gross wrong. McCoy and Schnoor demanded specific actions – an apology and a resignation. They took the lead but what did the rest of their “team” do? They stood up to be kind, gentle, collegial, understanding, forgiving – all admirable and right in another time. But in a serious battle those are the marks of the loser. Genuine leaders stood up – with no one following.

Disagree? Answer this one: Who’s winning in Lincoln? Whose agenda is moving forward? Who’s fighting to survive? Who controls the key committees? The libs are winning because, to a person, they stood yesterday with varying explanations but one firm voice: defend Ernie. They understand that their personal opinions and agendas are second to progress. They understand that they are in a fight where one side wins and one loses. They will not tolerate even a small defeat and are together, committed and focused. Those are the marks of winners.

The problem with conservatives is that we have no central focus and no leadership. We have the ideas, principled and good. But we have no leadership because we refuse to give or support it. Yesterday 2 men tried to provide leadership. It was a mini-Benghazi. Two leaders stepped forward, to be abandoned or shot in the back by their own people.

BUT – It’s not over. Showing better judgment than our conservative(?) senators, the media is staying on the story. FOX is doing an interview tomorrow. There is more to come. You now have 2 choices:
Keep your head down and keep walking, hoping we won’t be seen as mean people or be criticized too much.
Stand up behind the senators trying to hold Chambers accountable. Start winning by covering the backs of those willing to lead, whether you entirely agree or not.

WHY? Because I promise you that if I were Senator McCoy or Schnoor, standing up to take that kind of political risk, then finding no one behind me, I would let you fend for yourselves. We talk about not being represented. Whether they are exactly right isn’t the issue. They are taking a stand to represent Nebraska decency. They deserve to be followed. Win this one now, then figure out later what we could have done better.

You owe it to them and to the rest of Nebraska to weigh in. At the VERY LEAST, Chambers owes the police and military a sincere apology. A personal visit to Omaha or Lincoln PD would show sincerity.

Over the weekend, call or send emails in this order:
5 emails to senators (maybe to the “conservative” senators), politely but firmly demanding nothing less than a full, written, public apology read from the floor of the Unicameral. If you can do 10 or more, do it but use separate emails for each senator.
Email or call Gov. Ricketts – thanking him for demanding a public apology and asking him to keep up the pressure. 402-471-2244
Thank-you’s to Sen’s. McCoy & Schnoor – Many of you already have. They’re taking the pressure on your behalf.

The lesson is simple: If We Don’t Start Acting Like We Want To Win – Quickly – We’re In Serious Trouble. You Will Have The Leadership You Support And The Success You Earn – Not One Drop More.

March 27, 2015

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