Words From Admin

Rarely do I take time to post anything personally, yet today I feel inclined to do so. We all need to understand that in the social environment we live in today, that information can be very confusing. What I have found for myself is this … rather than read or hear something and allow myself to become emotionally “charged”, I need to just consider what I have read or heard is nothing more than information, it is not “Marching Orders”! I have found that staying emotionally calm and reviewing all information available, as it is available, without judgement or making a decision about who or what is right or wrong, I can better serve my personal cause in trying to be helpful within what ever issue is unfolding. I have a very strong belief that our creator will always show us the truth, yet it may not be “visual” on an immediate basis. I take time, deliberate and consult with other trusted sources before I make any opinions about anything. Sometimes, I don’t even come to an opinion!

Remember, information is just that, information. Give the truth time to “Float To The Surface”. There are many powerful forces that seem to try and cover or drown the truth, but with time, it will appear. I am not happy about the events that are unfolding in Oregon, yet I know that reactions to what has happened can and probably will cause more travesty. Here is my “mantra” for such instances …. I need to Respond rather than React. There is a big difference … I need to process information and make rational decisions as to what action by me will further the cause in a healthy and beneficial manner … then and only then, is it time for me to respond, if a response is warranted.

Our trusted leader, Lory Storm, is preparing to return to Harney County, Oregon in search of the Truth. She will dig and dig and report to us as she uncovers information that is first hand from her investigation(s). The best thing I can do right now is help to disseminate information as it comes in, remain calm and focused, seeking only the truth as it presents itself. I can pray for all of those involved in this situation, that they my find GOD’s guidance and truth and have the courage to follow it.

With that said, I offer you two personal videos from Oregon for your review. Remember, this is only information for us all to ponder ….

Randy May, Admin

Melvin Lee eyewitness account of LaVoy Finicum shooting

Mark McConnell describes LaVoy Finicum’s fatal shooting

January 27, 2016

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